Ignacio M.

Postdoc Researcher
(Ramón & Cajal)
Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology (IRNAS)
Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC)
Av. Reina Mercedes, 10. 41012, Seville (Spain)

2014-present: Postdoc (Ramón & Cajal) in IRNAS-CSIC.
2012-2014: Postdoc (Contract of Excellence funded by Andalusian Government) in IRNAS-CSIC
2010-2012: Postdoc (JAE-Doc) in IRNAS-CSIC.
2007-2009: Postdoc (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science) in CEFE-CNRS (Montpellier, France). Supervisor: Eric Garnier.
2005: Fellowship as a visiting researcher in Open University (Milton Keynes, UK). Supervisor: Jonhattan Silvertown.
2004: Fellowship as a visiting researcher in University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain). Supervisor: M. Ángel Zavala.
2003-2006: Predoc fellowship (FPU, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science) in IRNAS-CSIC. Director: Teodoro Marañón.
2000-2001: Fellowship for undergraduate research internship in University of Seville. Supervisor: M. Enrique Figueroa.