Ignacio M.
1.3 Plant recruitment and climate change
I am also very interested in understanding and forecasting the ecological and functional consequences of on-going climate change on tree recruitment and forest dynamics under Mediterranean conditions.

During my postdoctoral period, I carried out an experimental study aimed to evaluate the impact of projected increasing drought on multiple stage-specific probabilities of Quercus ilex recruitment (PPEES, 15: 106-117), using the installations of a previous rainfall-exclusion experiment that was established as a part of an European project.
Simultaneously, in collaboration with J. Rodríguez-Calcerrada, I also used this experimental station to investigate the effectiveness of a traditional silvicultural practice (thinning) for adapting forest coppices to climate change (Ann. For. Science 68: 575-585). Thus, all these findings are not only interesting for obtaining accurate predictions on global change effects, but also for improving our ability to manage and conserve key tree species in current and future environmental scenarios.